Sewing Projects

I love sewing since i was 11 year's old. My first handwork was a doll's dress.
Later when i was 12, i sew a pink polka dot pillow case with a zip on it and the best thing is i sew it with my own hands ! That was my first real masterpiece.
I only learn sewing properly when i was in school, taking home science ( Sains Rumahtangga). My friend, deanna asked me if i know how to sew a dress... i did'nt really know how to make one but i remembered sewing a cotton night gown and a baby gown when i was in school. But it was a long time ago. Tak ingat sudahlah...

Anyway i have two sewing projects to finish. Making a handbag and a mattress cover. I'll tell you the details later about these sewing projects.


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